Oct 14

World’s first Rum Coin to launch in London this October

This October marks the launch of the world’s first Rum Coin, which is enclosed with the oldest rum in the world - Harewood Rum 1780. Lux Coin company and Mint of Poland have collaborated on this special coin, with the first reveal at RumFest, the world’s premier rum festival in... read more →
Sep 14

Lux Coin unveils the world’s first Whisky Coin

Lux Coin has released an exclusive Whisky Coin — the world’s first legal tender coin to contain the oldest vintage whisky Old Vatted Glenlivet 1862. The Whisky Coin is the only coin to feature a capsule containing such a rare spirit, and the first ever to encapsulate such valuable aged... read more →
May 22
May 22

Bottle of the world’s oldest vintage whisky opened in Poland

Bottle of the world’s oldest vintage whisky opened in Warsaw. When Old Vatted Glenlivet 1862 was distilled among Scottish hills, the world was just in the middle of the age of steam, undergoing changes driven by the Industrial Revolution. Factories fully equipped with machinery transformed the faces of individual countries, large... read more →
May 22

Harewood Rum 1780 entered Guinness book of records.

The history began one day in 2011, when Mark Lascelles, the brother of the 8th Harwood Earl, along with some employees of the Harewood estate in central England, went down to the palace cellars. They were supposed to take stock of items and alcoholic beverages stored in the cellars. Looking through old... read more →