Feb 05

Demel or Sacher?

Demel or Sacher?😊- which one is better, ‘the original’ and unique?😊 The question sounds similar to: Megadeth or Metallica, Pepsi or Coca-Cola, iPhone or Android, Fender Stratocaster or Gibson Les Paul?  Sacher Torte was created in 1832 in Vienna by Franz Sacher for Prince Metternich and his guests. Franz turned... read more →
Jan 26

3 Unique Currencies Worth Knowing

1/ Have you heard about Ithaca HOURS💵 currency?Ithaca HOURS was a local & community currency established and launched by activist Paul Glover in 1991 with a total of $110,000 introduced into circulation💰.It was a time-based currency⌚, which means its value was based on a unit of time. As such, it was pegged... read more →
Jan 26

Lux Coin Stamp Blocks Collection

We live in a digital world🌐. Nowadays, sending letters or postcards is a forgotten habit🤔. But how nice is to look at stamps?😀 How nice is to receive a postcard?🧧First stamp was invented and released in UK by British Post in 1840. It is called "Penny Black"📬. There were 68.8... read more →
Dec 21

Lux Coin Community Currency

Community currency concept: We create 88.000.000 Lux Coin. Part of this would be banknotes. Part - would be digital. Each Lux Coin will have its unique number. Owner of Lux Coin could go to page www.luxcoin.eu, register and generate Certificate of Lux Coin Brand Ownership. Each Lux Coin will have... read more →
Dec 14

The Power of Apology

‘I apologize’. Forgotten words. Almost unseen in business. Looking like abandoned phrase🔍. I almost never hear ‘I apologize’. People take this as sign of weakness.   This is immature approach. I deeply believe in the power of apology. To apologize to your business partner, friend, spouse, life partner, child, parent... read more →
Nov 14

Mentors – where are they?

Mentor - a person who gives younger or less experienced person help and advice over a period of time , especially at work or school (definition based on Cambridge Dictionary). I had just few Mentors on my way. Not complete ones. ‘Semi-Mentors’. Those from whom I could learn and grow😏. Funny, but when I think... read more →
Nov 12

Fibonacci Sequence and ’Divine proportion’

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 ... We start from 1. And we add previous number. Again and again. Up to infinity. In this sequence of natural numbers, the first two are equal 1 and each subsequent (called the Fibonacci... read more →
Nov 08

Frequency 432 Hz

Mozart has been living for few years in this house at Domgasse 5 in Viena, Austria🏢. This is the only one of Mozart’s apartments in Vienna that still exists today. The composer lived here in grand style from 1784 to 1787. Nowhere else he composed more music than here. He... read more →
Oct 28

Urim and Thummim

Urim and Thummim (אורים ותומים) – in ancient Judaism, two stones belonging to the high priest, differing in color: white and black, used as lots for revealing God's judgments. Urim – white stone - is the plural of light, stands for guilty, means NO. Thummim– black stone - can be... read more →
Oct 26

Welcome to Ghosting Years

’Ghosting’ = cutting off contact with someone without giving that person any warning or explanation. Even when the person being ’ghosted’ reaches out to re-initiate contact or get info, there is silence. A good friend or business partner or partner “vanishes” into the air - as if she/he were a ghost.... read more →